Kyle – Speaker and Author

From Tragedy to Transformation

From Tragedy to Transformation

Kyle is the father of four, an adoring husband and eternal risk taker. Raised in a small town in the Midwest, his fast-paced career eventually lead him to become a highly respected sales executive in the San Francisco Bay Area. In little over 5 years, he sold over $70M in early stage technology, put multiple startup companies in Inc. magazine's fastest 500 and was instrumental in taking a company to acquisition. And at the pinnacle of an extremely lucrative career, he shocked everyone and walked out of Corporate America.  Life was meant for so much more to a person with his background.

What almost nobody knew about Kyle was that at the age of 35 he was a frightened ex-convict walking out of 6 ½ years of prison, harboring regret, shame and insecurity. People who knew him counted him out. But not Kyle. He entered the work force with no connections, having never sent an email, and little more than the belief that he would make his statement in this world. In just 10 short years he rose to the top of his game earning over $750K the year he left. He was regarded as one of the best in his field of expertise. Kyle was tenacious and resourceful enough to go from earning $10 / hour to a decade later being a highly sought-after sales executive. And he did it with no college degree.

The message is clear in how he lives his life and within every topic he presents: never count yourself out, never cower to your fears. Everyone has a gift that can change the world.

Once people hear the story, I’m often asked,
“How did you rise above all that tragedy?”

From as far back as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with what drives success. Even as a young adult I would listen to audio tapes, read books, attend seminars, watch documentaries on athletes and coaches alike. The passion to win, to achieve, to overcome, was that thing inside people that I was always attracted to.

The irony, is that the real magic bullet to every great comeback story isn’t so much the competitive nature or the talent or the intelligence – that’s all just the ticket to the game. The true competitive advantage lies somewhere inside the mistakes, inside what drives us to get up, to dust our britches off, to plow through every brick wall that is put in front of us. And often inside our fear and doubt and discomfort is where we find the will to do the impossible.

In a world where you can be full of fear yet still find confidence, where you’re riddled with doubt yet take the leap every time, where guilt and determination meld together to create that unstoppable edge; is where superpowers are born.

The secret to how I rose above all that tragedy.

I’m not here to be the anomaly; I’m here to be the example.

My life is a shining example that rules and conventions were made to be broken. From being a young man with a bright future, to an intravenous drug user, to a convict who was counted out, to eventually a highly respected Sales Executive at the top of his game and an adoring father, I’m undeniable proof that nothing is insurmountable.

My story is an example of what life can be when you have courage, when you have forgiveness, when you have hope. I am that guy you can point to and say, “Look; I’m not the only one.”

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Which brings me to you.
My journey; the pain, the suffering, the lessons have all lead me to this moment. A moment where my unique combination of experiences can help heal, help inspire, help people believe in their greatness. Everyone has a gift – a gift that if they don’t bring it to fruition in this lifetime, it will be lost forever. I have dedicated my life to encouraging everyone to stop hiding and let their true selves out, with the single promise that we are all in this together. Whether you’re struggling with shame and self-doubt, looking to inspire a stale corporate environment, grow your business or make lasting change inside your own personal life, I’m here to help tap into your deepest creative potential and remind you you’re not alone. I am excited you have found my website. Maybe through a referral, maybe through social media, but I will tell you that I don’t believe in coincidences. If you are reading this, you are searching for something. And maybe it’s specific or maybe it’s unknown. Maybe it’s a keynote speaker for your next event, maybe it’s for understanding or maybe it’s just to get an idea of who the hell this Kyle Houston character is. Whatever the case, our paths have crossed for a reason. My bet is it’s for a good reason. I’d like to invite you to reach out and let’s start the dialogue. I also highly encourage we stay connected by becoming a KDH Insider. Sign up here and stay abreast on latest updates, blog posts and my upcoming book launch. If you are looking for answers, more information or something as valuable and rare as hope, here it is. I look forward to learning more about you.